Medicare Help for Physician Practices

New Email Service for Medicare Part B Inquiries from Trailblazer Health Enterprises Recently Trailblazer Health Enterprises, the Medicare intermediary for Texas and other states sent out the following announcement Medicare... Read More >

Credit Card Rates are Creeping Up

Credit Card Interest Rates on the Rise Key Insights and Financial Planning Tips An article in a recent issue of Medical Economics stated that the average interest rate for existing... Read More >

IRS Changes Standard Mileage Rate

IRS Increases Standard Mileage Rates in Response to Rising Gas Prices In response to the recent dramatic gas price increases, IRS has announced that the optional standard mileage rate has... Read More >

Growing Healthcare Concern

How Rising Healthcare Costs Could Impact Your Retirement Planning From the September issue of the Practical Accountant magazine According to two recent retirement studies by Prudential Financial, Inc., in Americans... Read More >

Evaluate new service-line opportunities

Considering Ancillary Services What You Need to Know Physicians now have more ancillary-service opportunities than before. You can legally operate and refer your own patients to a variety of in-house... Read More >

Stark Law Update

Update New Stark Rule on Financial Relationships The following was recently published in Vinson Elkins electronic healthcare newsletter STATUS OF NEW STARK RULE-On August , , the Office of... Read More >

Posting & Reconciling Payments

The following is an excellent policy for daily posting reconciliation this was posted on one of the MGMA listservs last week Mail payments are sorted as commercial, Medicare, Medicaid, BCBS,... Read More >

Book for Physician ASCs

Master Managed Care Contracting and Reap the Revenue Rewards Master the art of managed care contracting and reap the revenue rewards with this book Managed Care amp Ambulatory Surgery Strategies... Read More >

Take decisive steps away from mediocrity

Elevating Your Practice Through Customer Service Excellence Customer service excellence will make your practice stand out in a competitive marketplace. To achieve maximum patient satisfaction, take the four following steps... Read More >

Medicare CAP Drug Program Delayed

Medicare CMS Suspends CAP Vendor Bidding Process for Review and Updates In an announcement this week from Medicare CMS Effective August , , CMS is suspending the current CAP vendor... Read More >

House Passes Malpractice Limits

House Passes Bill to Limit Damages for Medical Malpractice Legislation that would limit damages for medical malpractice has passed the House for the third consecutive year. The bill, approved Thursday... Read More >

Diabetes Screenings Now Payable

Medicare Billing for Diabetes Screenings Remember that diabetes screenings are now payable by Medicare. You can bill Medicare twice per year for pre-diabetic patients and you can bill once a... Read More >