Want to be a better performing medical practice?

Better performing medical practices use the following techniques to increase profitability strategic and profit planning cost management evaluation of capital structure and investments evaluation of tax policy and management internal... Read More >

Steps for accessing Medicare PECOS system

Having problems accessing the PECOS system? Be sure to follow these steps Enroll security officials in IACS required to access PECOS IACS authorized individual for provider accesses PECOS Register Group... Read More >

IRS eliminating paper tax deposits

The IRS has issued proposed regulations that would discontinue the use of paper federal deposit coupons IRS Form , beginning on December , . The existing rules for depositing federal... Read More >

Improving front desk collections

nbsp Have an employee print the encounter forms in advance and contact the patient concerning their past due balances and the expectation of payment at check-in. When the patient checks... Read More >

Health Care Credit Draft Form

The IRS released a draft of new Form Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums for eligible small businesses and tax-exempt organizations to calculate a credit for health insurance purchased... Read More >

Want to retain valuable employees?

nbsp . Studies show rewards such as recognition and feedback are as important as pay, benefits, and status. . Recognition ideas may include gift cards, a team lunch, and a... Read More >

Physician practice collections

Monitor and analyze the gross collection percentage dividing the practice s collections by its gross production on a monthly and year-to- date basis. The gross collection percentage is one of... Read More >