Better performing physician practices

nbsp One reason revenue is greater at the better-performing groups is physician productivity. Group success is credited to the quality care and strong work ethic of their physicians highly qualified,... Read More >

What is your practice worth?

nbsp How much is your practice worth? Often, it depends on who wants to know and why. Valuation professionals follow different methodologies tacks depending on whether a practice will be... Read More >

De-escalating an Irate Patient

nbsp . The first order of business is to get a screaming patient away from other patients who are within ear shot.. An irate patient wants everyone to hear his... Read More >

Handling Unhappy Patients

nbsp Stay calm They might be angry, but they are angry at what s happened to them, not at you. Your frame of mind and demeanor can greatly influence the... Read More >

Sharing a patient’s PHI

nbsp A staff member recognizes an acquaintance, realizes the acquaintance is a patient, and shares this information with someone else. Has the staff member violated HIPAA? The answer is yes... Read More >

Patient safety: Medical error disclosure

Although debate continues on the most effective methods of promoting medical error disclosure, there is a general consensus that disclosure of medical errors can help promote patient safety and reduce... Read More >

Compensation concepts

Your group s compensation formula may be its most jealously guarded sacred cow. Whether sensible or not, it continues in place as long as members don t object. And your... Read More >