Wonderlic Testing for Physician Practice Applicants/Employees

Enhancing Hiring Practices: The Role of Wonderlic Testing in Physician Practices

One thing I see out there is that more and more physician practices are Wonderlic testing their employees and employee applicants. Since it is so hard to find good employees these days, employers must go beyond "standard" interviewing processes and annual employee evaluation processes.

The Wonderlic Personnel Test provides an excellent overall index of general intelligence. For example, The Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT)is an established test of general intelligence used for selection and placement of business personnel and for vocational guidance. The WPT measures an individual’s ability to learn, adapt, solve problems, and understand instructions. It is a valid predictor of future job performance, and may be used for positions ranging from routine to complex.

For more information, go to http://www.wonderlic.com/.

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