Various Medicare fact sheets available for download to help your physician practice

“Global Surgery” Fact Sheet — Revised

The “Global Surgery” Fact Sheet (ICN 907166) was revised and is now available in downloadable format. This fact sheet is designed to provide education on the components of a global surgery package. It includes information about billing and payment rules for surgeries, endoscopies, and global surgical packages that are split between two or more physicians.

“Mental Health Services” Booklet — Revised

The “Mental Health Services” Booklet (ICN 903195) was revised and is now available in downloadable format. This booklet is designed to provide education on mental health services. It includes the following information: covered and non-covered mental health services, eligible professionals, supplier charts, assignment, outpatient and inpatient psychiatric hospital services, same day billing guidelines, and National Correct Coding Initiative.

“Medicare Vision Services” Fact Sheet

The “Medicare Vision Services” Fact Sheet (ICN 907165) is available in a downloadable format. This fact sheet is designed to provide education on Medicare coverage and billing information for vision services. It includes specific information concerning coding requirements and an overview of coverage guidelines and exclusions.

“HIPAA Privacy and Security Basics for Providers” Fact Sheet

The “HIPAA Privacy and Security Basics for Providers” Fact Sheet (ICN 909001) is available in a downloadable format. This fact sheet is designed to provide education on basic HIPAA privacy and basic HIPAA security information for providers. It includes information on covered entities, business associates, and the disposal of private health information.

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