Upcoming webinar – Modified Stage 2 Meaningful Use Attestation (and filing hardship exception applications)

Among other things, the HITECH Act provided incentives for Medicare/Medicaid eligible professionals to participate in EHR incentive program. In addition to providing incentives, this program allowed penalties for reimbursement if providers are not part of the EHR incentive program. On Oct' 6. 2015, HHS issued rules on 2015 Meaningful Use attestation requirements to advance electronic Health records with added simplicity and flexibility.

David Zetter of Zetter HealthCare and the NSCHBC will share with attendees the attestation requirements and overview for Modified Stage 2 requirements and review the requirements to submit the 2016 Hardship Exception. In order to ensure eligible professionals are using the right technology and meeting the program attestation objectives by February 29, 2016 deadline. The National Society of Certified Healthcare Consultants (www.nschbc.org) is proud to host this webinar on the latest updates on Meaningful Use EHR incentive attestation requirements for Stage 2 and Hardship Exception Applications.

Click Here to Register!

  • Do you maintain adequate documentation to prove meaningful use objectives and CQM rules are met?
  • Are your security risk analysis and mitigation plan updated?
  • Are you prepared for the ongoing CMS audit?
  • Do you know what criteria you have to meet to file a hardship exception to dodge the payment adjustment in 2017?

Attend NSCHBC's free, live 60-minute webinar Wednesday, February 24th 1:30 EST which will focus on the preparation required by healthcare organizations to prepare for Meaningful Use EHR incentive attestation.

Click Here to Register!

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