Upcoming free webinars by Frank Cohen


My good friend Frank Cohen (http://www.cpahealth.com/html/home.html) is putting on a series of free webinars – if you haven’t heard Frank speak, you’re missing out! Here is a description of each webinar, followed by each related presentation schedule.

For Physician Compensation using Work RVUs

Developing physician compensation programs can be an arduous task, particularly when considering the number of metrics involved.  Using work RVUs, or any volumetric, for that matter, can work very successfully as long as there is accountability on both sides. The biggest mistake people make with RVU-type programs is assuming they measure productivity; they don't.  An RVU is a proxy for consumption of a unit of resource, not a measurement of a unit of productivity. Using an objective statistical approach and three specific process steps, it is not that difficult turn work RVUs into a viable compensation model. In this free webinar, Frank Cohen, Six Sigma Black Belt, statistician and data analyst, will cover key analytical issues and metrics that can be used to create a working and efficient compensation model based on Work RVUs, including ways to spot gaming and gain buy-in from physicians on revenue accountability.  The webinar will include instructions on calculations as well as some samples and examples.

For Basics of RBRVS

Whether we like it or not, RBRVS has become a standard in the healthcare industry for benchmarking, financial analysis, fee scheduling, physician productivity and compensation and other medical practice management and analytical applications.  You don't have to be an expert to take advantage of the benefits or mitigate the risks involved in projects involving RBRVS.  Payers use it for fee scheduling, RACs use it to identify practices for audit and practices use it to get a handle on costs and provider performance.  If you don't understand what RBRVS is or how it is used, now is the time to learn. In this free webinar, Frank Cohen, data analyst, statistician and RBRVS expert will introduce you to the basics of RBRVS, show you how the RVU components are developed and maintained and how the RBRVS can benefit you, your physicians and your practice.  In only 45 minutes, you will be able to talk the RBRVS talk and walk the RBRVS walk.  This webinar will include a link to a file that contains samples, examples and a great template to help you calculate RVUs for every procedure you report.

For Introduction to Lean Six Sigma for the Medical Practice

Profit is a ratio of revenue to expense.  In order to be more profitable, traditional thinking says you need to reduce expenses and/or increase revenue, both increasingly difficult, if not impossible tasks, for many practices.  So, if you can't do either, what options are left?  Lean thinking says improve efficiency.  What if you could do more with your current resources?  What if you could see more patients or perform more procedures without adding to your fixed cost?  And at the same time improve quality and reduce compliance risk?  This is exactly what Lean Six Sigma (LSS) will do for your practice. During this free webinar, Frank Cohen, statistician, Six Sigma Black Belt and Lean instructor will introduce you to the concepts and ideas behind LSS and show you how it can be applied specifically to the medical practice.  When complete, you will know whether process improvement is the way for you to go and if so, how to obtain the resources and information necessary to embark upon your own LSS projects.

Webinar 1 – Physician Compensation using Work RVUs – Tuesday, February 3, 2009 from 11:00am until noon EST

More information and Registration link-


Webinar 2 – The Basics of RBRVS – Tuesday, February 10, 2009 from 11:00 am until noon EST

More information and registration link –


Webinar 3 – Introduction to Lean Six Sigma for the Medical Practice - Tuesday, February 24, 2009 from 11:00 am until noon EST

More information and registration link –


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