Uncomfortable collecting patient copays?


There are many front desk people who are uncomfortable asking patients for copays even though it is part of their job description. Is there any easy way to overcome this apprehension? One idea is not to confront the patient directly with a request for money. When patients check in for their appointment, greet them, sign them in, and then ask with a pleasant smile if they happen to know what their copay is. You then quietly take out a receipt book from your desk and with pen poised and a warm, expectant smile on your face, waiting patiently. Most patients will pay on the spot……and if there's a problem paying by cash or check, be sure to tell them which credit cards you take.

And if the patient doesn’t know what their copay is, always request a payment of $25 – it’s easier to issue a refund that to try to collect copayments!

Have questions? I’m here to help.