Tips for Hiring a Biller for Your Medical Practice

Know where to look

Staff can help recruit, too, so ask them for suggestions. A current staff member may have a friend who would fit in well with your operation. More employers are offering small incentives – for example, a $200 gas card – to employees who suggest a job candidate who turns into a hire. Managers and employees alike can network with colleagues at local medical billers’ associations. Many of these groups can also circulate the job posting. Turn to local training programs and community colleges when posting a position, as well as using advertisements in the local newspaper. Local community colleges and technical schools that train billing and office staff may be able to place interns. Internships can give you a view of how a potential candidate would fit with your team well before you ever need a replacement.

Get online

Online job listings like and can be expensive, but they will get the word out to a lot of people. Post the opening on your organization’s website and don’t forget about social networking. If your organization uses Facebook or Twitter, use them to spread the word about an opening. Staff might mention the opening to their online “friends” and “followers”, too.

Be patient

Yes, medical billing requires daily attention, but that doesn’t mean that you should hire the first candidate who walks in the door. Take your time, and find the right person. Consider employment like a marriage – the cost of a failed one comes at a very high price. Plan how to handle work on a short-term basis because you may need to wait to get the right candidate. If you’re hiring from another medical practice or billing service, the candidate may need to give two weeks’ notice. Don’t be put off by a top candidate’s desire to leave their previous employer on good terms – it’s a sign of respect. You’ll appreciate the same consideration when your employees leave.

Don’t overlook references

Research shows that Americans have a propensity to stretch the truth on their resumes. Check all references. Be on the lookout for anything appears sketchy (for example, all of the reference phone numbers are cell phones, or the voice of the “reference” sounds the same on every call). Look carefully at the company name of the reference, then call the main number directly and ask for that individual. If they’ve never heard of that person, you know the job candidate is trying to scam you. Speaking of scams, don’t skip the background check – essential in today’s recruiting world – particularly for someone hired to handle significant sums of money. Finally, verify credentials directly with the accrediting body – the American Academy of Professional Coders, for example, offers an on-line confirmation process to determine if a candidate actually is a certified professional coder (CPC). By following these strategies, you can ensure that you hire the most qualified and trustworthy candidates for your medical practice. For more expert advice on managing your medical practice efficiently, turn to REED TINSLEY, CPA.

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