The art of mentoring employees

I have to admit it - I was TERRIBLE at mentoring my former employees (just ask them!). However, I did see over time how important mentoring really is and how valuable it can be to an organization. Some people have the inherent ability to mentor while others like me have to work really hard at it.

Remember the concept I've been preaching for a long time that is backed up by solid data - the medical practices that do the best at human resources are the ones that have the best financial performance. It's so true! So with regard to mentoring, you might want to take a look at the following book, which has won praise by David Maister, one of the leading consultants on professional services firms:

The Elements of Mentoring” by W. Brad Johnson and Charles R. Ridley.

Here are some of the book's chapter headings and subheadings:

Getting to Know Your Protégé
Spend time
Identify and communicate strengths and weaknesses
Allow fears and emotions to be discussed
Expect Excellence
Set high expectations and communicate clearly
Model what you expect of others
Demonstrate confidence
Affirm, Encourage and Support
Show that you value them
Instill confidence
Kindly shed light on unrealistic expectations
Provide Sponsorship
Discern their dream
Help them with first steps
Use your status to get them opportunities
Get them to function on your behalf occasionally
Teach and Coach
Clear Instruction on expectations, roles and functions
Story-telling and metaphors
Help people understand organizational politics
Offer Counsel in Difficult Times
Provide insight, not necessarily answers
Listen, reflect feelings clarify alternatives
Validate feelings
Protect When Necessary
Recognize that protégé will occasionally suffer personal or political problems
Use protection sparingly
Stimulate growth with Challenging assignments
Nurture Creativity
Encourage innovative thought
Safe haven to experiment
Model innovation
Provide Correction – Even when painful
Confront negative performance or behavior
Help with ideas – don’t just criticize
Narrate Growth and development
Discuss milestones openly
Self-Disclose when appropriate
Accept Increasing Friendship and Mutuality
Model work/Life Balance
Display Dependability

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