Ten tips for better patient relationships


Good staff-patient relations can make or break a practice. You want your staff to make your patients feel special when they come into your office. Here are 10 tips to remember that will help build your practice and make patients feel connected to you and your staff:

1.       Never act as though patients are interrupting your work. They're the reason you are in business.

2.       Greet patients with a friendly smile.

3.       Call patients by name.

4.       Remember that to patients, each employee is the practice.

5.       Never argue with patients. Be a good listener, agree with them when you can, and do what you can to please them.

6.       Never say "I don't know."

7.       Remember that patients pay your wages.

8.       Make positive statements.Instead of saying a patient can't do something, phrase your advice as a suggestion like, "You might want to try..." or "It's good to do..."

9.       Go the extra mile. A little kindness can really go a long way. Offer patients a tissue or five if they need them, or even a cup of water.

10.   Brighten patients' days. As they leave, tell your patients to have a nice day, or while they are with you, ask them about their day.

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