Stopping Workplace Drama in the Healthcare Practice


Whether it’s the backstabbing, power struggles, dealing with the queen bee, or the “untouchable” employee, or even just navigating through change, drama manifests itself in many ways in a medical practice. You KNOW it goes on in your practice - gossip, poor coordination of the team, disruptive physician or disruptive employee behavior - and you KNOW it is a huge distraction away from good patient care, efficiencies and profits in a practice. Drama is a drain on a medical practice - a drain on physician and physician executive time, a drain on time that could be spent on patient care and driving referrals, a drain on administrator and office manager energies.

Finally there is an audio-conference that actually discusses and addresses these issues. Presented by Greenbranch Publishing on Wednesday, February 29th, author Marlene Chism, award-winning author of “Stop Workplace Drama,” gives practical ways to identify and eliminate drama before the drama translates into turnover, absenteeism, poor morale, and a financial impact to the practice. In addition, learn how to cut through your own personal drama - whether it is a difficult family issue, a business problem, a health challenge or a financial struggle…you don’t need to create further issues at work! The material presented in this webinar translates from business to personal. Take control today and start learning how to halt the drama in the healthcare workplace, right here, right now.

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As I've said many times - my experience and external data has proven that the physician practices that do the best at human resources are the ones that are the most profitable!!

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