Sample overtime policy for a physician office


Work requirements and scheduling may occasionally require the need for overtime.  Employees are expected to work overtime when it is requested.  Every effort will be made to notify employees far enough in advance to minimize inconvenience.


Nonexempt employees will be paid overtime for all authorized hours worked in accordance with applicable law. Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay.


Overtime will be computed on actual minutes worked, and will not be rounded to the nearest quarter hour.  Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), only hours worked are added together to determine an employee's overtime pay.  Vacation sick and holiday hours are not used in the calculation of overtime.


All overtime must be pre-approved by the Practice Administrator, except in the following circumstances:


1.    A patient remains in the building (and it is the employee's responsibility to see that all patients have left the building).


2.    A physician requests the employee's assistance.


In cases where overtime has not been pre-approved (see above), it is the employee's responsibility to note the circumstances of the overtime on their timecard.


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