Retaining Key Employees in Your Medical Practice

Many medical practices are you tired of losing good employees to the competition? They are looking for ways to stop the revolving door of hiring one good employee only to have two others resign? As health care organizations strive to deliver quality health care, retaining key employees is an ongoing concern. Employers can begin to address the growing concern of how to retain good employees by asking employees, “What makes for a good place to work?”

A study conducted by the Gallop Corporation found the top responses to be:

 Having the opportunity to do what I do best.
 Having the sense that someone cares about me.
 Knowing what’s expected of me.
 Getting recognition for what I do.
 Having opportunities to learn and grow.
 Being productive.

A common thread runs through these responses — effective performance management. Physician practice managers do not intentionally ignore employees’ needs for recognition and professional development. Usually absent are both a system and accountability for ensuring employees understand expectations, receive feedback about their performance, receive recognition for good performance, and have a plan for professional growth and development.

Have questions? I’m here to help.