Physician new year resolutions #8 and #9

I RESOLVE to adopt a healthier personal lifestyle

I’m sure this one is already on your list but I wanted to emphasize it for you again. A healthier lifestyle can only lead to greater productivity not only in the office, but in your personal life as well. We all know what to do to get healthier, unfortunately implementation is oftentimes difficult to achieve. Make it a goal to identify all of those things that get in the way of accomplishing this goal and eliminate them from your life. Why set yourself up to take a premature “dirt nap” anyway???

I RESOLVE to start my own personal financial planning

This includes retirement planning, education planning, budgeting, insurance planning, investment planning, and net worth optimization, just to name a few. As a practitioner who has been working solely with physicians for the last 20 years, let me tell you one simple truth: There are a lot of physicians out there who have to work. Don’t become one of them.

Have questions? I’m here to help.