Physician new year resolution #4 and #5

I RESOLVE to take a proactive managed care stance

Conduct a detailed review all of your current managed care relationships to assess what payers need to be eliminated and what contracts need to be renegotiated. I’m sure as you’re reading this you are saying to yourself that there is no way you can successfully renegotiate a contact. My response to you is: How do you know unless YOU TRY. Just talking with your managed care payers can provide valuable insight on what it takes to be successful in today’s dominate managed care marketplace.

I RESOLVE to get an independent review of my medical practice

You get your car tuned up every year; doesn’t it make sense to get your medical practice tuned up also? An independent assessment will tell you what is good about your practice and what needs to be improved for increased efficiency and profitability.

Have questions? I’m here to help.