Physician Medical Marketing Interview

From the DocGrow blog (

Live Web Audio Interview With Rudy Svezia
Topic: The Insights of Medical Marketing

Some of the questions asked by Philippa Kennealy MD MPH CPCC of The Entrepreneurial MD were:

  • 1. What do you mean by the term “marketing”?
  • 2. Why should physicians be paying attention to marketing?
  • 3. Given that many physician practice incomes are shrinking due to declining reimbursement, what are some of the less expensive or even free ways that physicians could make people aware of their services?
  • 4. What are the key moves physicians should be making to market themselves better?
  • 5. What changes have you observed in the past few years about how physicians are successfully marketing their services?
  • 6. What do you see as up and coming trends in 2007 for physician practice marketing?

Rudy's basic message! "You have to cut through the clutter" and "there is a huge uptick in the willingness of physicians to recognize that marketing is a valuable business strategy, to offset the negatives of the increasingly stringent regulatory environment and reimbursement cutbacks - it's a way to take positive action to grow and sustain a thriving practice".

Listen here to the whole interview.

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