Other ways to keep quality medical practice employees from leaving

Provide Adequate Educational Seminar Opportunities


Make sure all employees are kept up to date in their practice area. This is especially true for the office’s CPT coder(s).

Make Sure the Office is Adequately Staffed

It should be a requirement that all medical practice departments be adequately staffed. However, in the era of declining reimbursement, it seems some medical offices are cutting staff, much to their own detriment. This in almost all cases results in a decline in employee morale. If necessary to keep staff, the medical office should be creative with its human resource. This includes using flex hours, home workers, cross coverage, etc.


Be Appreciative of Staff


People are motivated by recognition. Anything the medical office can do to recognize them will make them work a little harder. Believe it or not, it also helps them stay put.  The following are some ideas for employee recognition:


§  Personal notes from management for exceptional work.

§  Employee outings.

§  A verbal “thank you.”

§  Gifting.


Conduct Employee Reviews


Reviews should be annually and periodically at designated times throughout the year. These should be productive, training sessions. Have employees set goals and monitor these goals throughout the year. Employers with good review programs, coupled with ongoing training and mentoring, seem to have the lowest turnover rate among its employee group.


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