News and announcements from Medicare

Patients Over Paperwork: Empowering Patients Through Data

View CMS’s Patients Over Paperwork March newsletter to learn about the MyHealthEData initiative and how CMS is:

  • Helping patients get and share their electronic medical records
  • Working to improve Health Information Technology, which will lower burden on clinicians and patients
  • Helping patients use their healthcare data
  • Working across the government on health data

For More Information:

HIMSS18 Presentations

CMS recently participated in the 2018 Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS18) Annual Conference & Exhibition. Presentations:

E/M Services Listening Session: Audio Recording and Transcript

An audio recording and transcript are available from the March 21 listening session on Evaluation and Management (E/M) services. CMS seeks comments from stakeholders on potential updates to the guidelines to reduce burden and better align coding and documentation with the current practice of medicine.

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