Mid-Year Practice Checkup: Is Your Practice Running Optimally?

The following is an audio seminar that I thought someone might be interested in:

Thursday, May 24, 2007

1:00-2:30 p.m. (Eastern)

12:00-1:30 p.m. (Central)

11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Mountain)

10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. (Pacific)

$227 per call-in line. One registration fee lets your entire staff listen in! Save money – no travel expenses! Sign up today at  http://conference.mpmnetwork.com

It’s Not Too Late To Boost 2007 Practice Performance!

With the first quarter results in, now is the time to assess whether you’re on track to beat 2006 results. Too many physicians and managers wait … believing “things will turn around.” While optimism is an admirable quality, smart practices don’t fall into the” What’s Good Enough” thinking trap. TGE thinking can lead to disappointments later in the year.

In this teleconference, consultant Karen Zupko will provide specific examples of performance issues that require immediate attention.   You’ll leave the call with a variety of ” to do’s” and “to look into’s”  that will enhance the bottom line for the remainder of the year.

Financial leaks, financial reports to review ASAP, perspectives on personnel performance, patient scheduling and management and automation tips will all be covered.

If you are interested in besting your 2006 results by a significant margin – tune in to this call.  Get your team involved.  This could be the most profitable hour you spend in the month of May.

At the end of the session, you will be able to:

– Determine if your present business and operating systems are maximally efficient and profitable.

– Learn to diagnose symptoms using qualitative, as well as quantitative perspectives on Governance, patient services, management reports,Financial systems, AR management, and information systems, Diagnose organizational, financial, operational, and personnel management problems (in solo and group practices) using a variety of reports and bench marking tools.

– Determine appropriate solutions!

As a bonus, for 15 minutes at the end of the session, you’ll have the opportunity to pose your questions in real time to Karen Zupko.

Who’s the Speaker?:  Karen A. Zupko, is the President of Karen Zupko & Associates, based in Chicago.  Before Wall Street discovered practice management, Karen Zupko was actively involved in developing the field through educational programs, writing and consulting.   Her 25 years in the field demonstrates her belief in and her commitment to physicians.  Karen is known as an educational and entertaining speaker.  You won’t be bored during this teleconference!  Her energetic style, specific examples, and practical illustrations will give you insight into practice problems that require further attention.

Have questions? I’m here to help.