Medicare-Covered Preventive Services

Each Office Visit is an Opportunity to Recommend Influenza Vaccination

People 65 years and older are at greater risk of serious complications from seasonal influenza. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourages you to use each office visit as an opportunity and recommend seasonal influenza vaccination – to protect your patients, your staff, and yourself.

Medicare Part B covers one influenza vaccination and its administration each influenza season for Medicare beneficiaries. If medically necessary, Medicare may cover additional seasonal influenza vaccinations.

For More Information:

  • Preventive Services Educational Tool
  • Influenza Vaccine Payment Allowances MLN Matters Article
  • Influenza Resources for Health Care Professionals MLN Matters Article
  • CDC Influenza website
  • Use HealthMap Vaccine Finder to help your patients locate the influenza vaccine in their community

Find Information on Medicare-Covered Preventive Services

Medicare covers many preventive services at no cost to your patients. Find out more on the redesigned Preventive Services website. Encourage patients to take advantage of appropriate preventive services to prevent and find diseases early, when treatment works best.

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