Meaningful Use Attestation Calculator: CMS Has Launched a New Attestation Resource for the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program

All Eligible Professionals (EPs), eligible hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) participating in the Medicare EHR Incentive Program must attest to having met meaningful use requirements to receive their EHR incentive payments.

The Meaningful Use Attestation Calculator helps EPs determine if they have met all of the objectives and their associated measures for meaningful use prior to completing attestation. Note: The tool does not calculate Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs). These measures are reported directly from a certified EHR and will need to be entered in the Web-based attestation system to receive an incentive payment. This calculator is not the same as the actual attestation; it is a tool that allows eligible providers to assess their readiness to successfully complete the attestation process.

The Meaningful Use Attestation Calculator will help prepare EPs for the attestation system. After entering their core and menu measure meaningful use data, the calculator will display whether a provider has met the necessary criteria for these objectives. Providers can then print a copy of the measures they have entered and whether they have passed or failed each specific measure. The calculator will indicate in red those measures for which the input values did not meet the required thresholds and will mark them as “failed.”

Find the Meaningful Use Attestation Calculator and more information about the attestation process on the CMS Attestation page. To better understand the meaningful use criteria, review the Stage 1 Meaningful Use Specification Sheets for EPs and eligible hospitals and CAHs. These specification sheets contain detailed information on each core and menu meaningful use measure.

Finally, visit the CMS EHR Incentive Programs Web site for the latest news and updates.


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