Marketing Ideas for Primary Care Physicians

Marketing Question

A recent email on one of the physician listservs asked the following question:

Does anyone have any good ideas on how/what a physician can do to help build their practice outside of the office?  She already goes to schools, daycares, etc and does medical presentations, etc.  Any innovative ideas would be greatly appreciated. 

Answer: Market to Employers

Here was a response to the question on the listserv:

Have you tried the local newspapers – possibly doing a Q& A section where people could send questions and she could respond.  It’s free – good coverage – and you could probably get her picture put in. Community Service – Get involved with the local area Chamber of Commerce. Practice could do the welcome wagon – if your area is experiencing a lot of growth  although this gets pricey.

These are some basis good ideas for a marketing start. But remember this - if you practice in a heavy managed care marketplace, you must market directly to the employers.  Go to the human resource director of each of the large employers in your service area and ask them how you can get in front of their employees - write for the company newsletter, give brown bag luncheon talks on a medical subject, have a flu shot day, etc.

Doctor Selection Process

Remember how patients usually select a doctor:

  • Ask a family member or friend
  • Ask a coworker
  • Pick up the provider booklet and select a physician who is either close to home or close to work.

Develop a marketing plan that will eliminate all three of these - a plan that markets directly to the employees of the major employers in your service area.

Have questions? I’m here to help.