Looking for physician candidates in all the right places

To find a physician who fits well with your practice, you must know where to look. There are many effective methods of doing so, such as advertising, searching residency programs, talking to references and getting referrals, making use of direct-mail campaigns, and employing physician search firms. Each method uses a different approach and requires a different time commitment on your part.

When recruiting an associate, tout the position not merely as a job but as a start of a career. If you present it in this way, you are more likely to find someone who is qualified for the role and who will stick with your practice. That's where a well thought-out procurement plan comes in: Using one can save you thousands of dollars and headaches, now and in the future.

Keep in mind that even after you choose a venue by which to advertise your position, candidates will not immediately appear on your practice's doorstep-an effective procurement and sourcing pan will normally generate qualified candidates within 30-45 days of inception or sometimes longer, depending on the size of your community, your geographic location, and the specific skills you want in an associate.


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