Latest on Medicare’s “Physician Compare” initiative

Did you miss the “What’s New with Physician Compare” webinars?

On February 21 and 22, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) hosted two “What’s New with Physician Compare” webinars, where they shared information about the recent PY 2016 measures release on Physician Compare, star ratings, and upcoming additions to the website including the future release of the Quality Payment Program performance information. If you missed it, check out the presentation materials:

If you have questions about Physician Compare or any of the materials shared, please contact

Physician Compare How-To video

The Physician Compare How-To video shows the various ways patients and caregivers can search for Medicare clinicians and groups on the website. You can share this video with patients and caregivers to help them easily navigate the website to find a clinician or group that best fits their needs. Watch the video to learn more.

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