Keeping Good Employees in Your Medical Practice


Step number one: Treat them well. Now that the practice has filled the position, it must make sure to keep the hired employee for long time. However, as we all know, turnover is a big issue for many medical offices. To begin this process, practices should keep the following management principles in mind:

1.    Nothing will drive employees away faster than a boss who is - or even appears to be - unapproachable or disrespectful.

2.    Employees want to make a difference. They want to be proud of where they work. They want to succeed.

3.    Without someone on the sidelines cheering employees on, enthusiasm soon fades. Productivity generally follows suit.

4.    People are motivated by recognition. Anything the practice can do to recognize them will make them work a little harder. It also helps them stay put.

5.    Bosses in medical practices should treat people like they want to be treated. If people feel they are needed, wanted and respected, they’re going to stay and the practice is going to get their loyalty.

6.    Help employees be the best he/she can be on an ongoing basis.

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