Jury duty


A client the other day asked for sample language to address jury duty in their human resource policy manual; here is what I provided:


Jury service is considered to be a community obligation except in those rare cases when such service would be an undue hardship to the practice. If it should prove a hardship to the practice for the employee to serve on jury duty, the practice may petition the court for the employee to be relieved from serving this duty. When an employee receives a notice for jury duty, he or she should provide a copy of the notice to the administrator on the next working day.


[COMPANY] will pay employees the difference between the regular daily payment amount and the payment received for jury duty for a maximum of five days per year. This service will not be charged against the PTO for any employee. In order to be reimbursed for this additional pay, the employee must provide to the administrator a copy of the jury duty notice and copies of the checks received from the local jurisdiction for this jury duty payment. Failure to do so will result in the days missed being taken as leave without pay.

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