It’s That Time of Year Again – Part 4


Dear physician and practice administrator, are you paying attention to this series?

I RESOLVE to start my own personal financial planning   This includes retirement planning, education planning, budgeting, insurance planning, investment planning, and net worth optimization, just to name a few. As a practitioner who has been working solely with physicians for the last 20 years, let me tell you one simple truth: There are a lot of physicians out there who have to work. Don’t become one of them.

I RESOLVE to hold a strategic planning retreat this year   This even applies to solo practitioners. Do you know where you want to be 3, 5, 10 years from now? Do you have a plan on how to get there? Are all physicians in agreement on how to get there? It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that future success requires an awful lot of planning.

Have questions? I’m here to help.