Is your physician practice living its mission and values on a daily basis?


When I see and read mission-type statements by healthcare organizations, I often wonder if the organization really lives and breathes their vision, values, and/or mission on a daily basis. I also wonder if management knows the difference between real action and inaction. Well there’s a way to find out – simply survey your organization’s owners and employees.

Did you realize that most statements like the one above and other mission statements can be turned in to a simple questionnaire? For example, your mission statement says that your physician practice will provide considerate and respectful treatment to all of your patients - well do you?

Create your questionnaire, give it to your owners and employees, and see if their answers support whether or not you are in fact living, breathing, and achieving what you say you’re supposed to be doing in your mission statement – you just might be surprised by the answers.

Have questions? I’m here to help.