Is your physician office referrable?


I'm getting real "anal" about customer service. In my opinion most physician offices do a "very average" job with regard to customer service. Your physician base should be your number one referral source so I ask the question from a customer service standpoint - Are you referrable? Think about how you would answer this question and the questions below:

1. Is the reception area comfortable for the patients? or do the patients feel like they are sitting in a morgue?

2. Are patients provided with activities, such as a television or magazines, while they wait for their appointments?

3. Do the patients have to wait a long time in the reception area for their appointments?

4. Is the front-desk staff courteous and willing to help the patients and the offices of the referring physicians?

5. How do the nurses and other clinical staff treat and interact with patients? Do they go out of their way to help patients? Are they friendly and composed? How helpful are they over the telephone?

6. Are the office’s policies and procedures creating bad impressions?

7. Are thank-you cards for new patient referrals; both to physicians and patients; routinely and consistently mailed out?

8. Does the physician spend adequate time with the patients in the exam rooms?

So what's your answer - Is your practice referrable?

Have questions? I’m here to help.