Physician New Year Resolution #10

Boost Your Practice by Hiring Top Talent Finally, I RESOLVE to hire the best people Again, I want to emphasize the simple and honest fact that the better performing practices... Read More >

Physician New Year Resolution #9

Why Considering a Practice Merger Could Enhance Your Revenue and Autonomy I RESOLVE to consider a practice merger Consider a practice merger to eliminate duplicate overhead, to increase revenue, to... Read More >

Physician New Year Resolution #7

Commit to Your Financial Future Expert Planning for Physicians I RESOLVE to start my own personal financial planning This includes retirement planning, education planning, budgeting, insurance planning, investment planning, and... Read More >

Physician New Year Resolution #6

Optimize Your Practice Get an Independent Review Today I RESOLVE to get an independent review of my medical practice You get your car tuned up every year doesn t it... Read More >

Physician New Year Resolution #5

Take Charge Proactively Manage and Optimize Your Care Contracts I RESOLVE to take a proactive managed care stance Conduct a detailed review all of your current managed care relationships to... Read More >

Physician New Year Resolution #4

Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle for Greater Productivity I RESOLVE to adopt a healthier personal lifestyle I m sure this one is already on your list but I wanted to emphasize... Read More >

Physician New Year Resolution #3

The Importance of Monthly Management Meetings for Solo Medical Practices I RESOLVE to take a CPT coding class Most of your revenues are coming from fixed fee payers Medicare, managed... Read More >

Physician New Year Resolution #2

Monthly Management Meetings Key to Financial Success I RESOLVE to have a monthly management meeting Even if you are a solo medical practice, this meeting is critical to maintaining and... Read More >

New Year Resolution #1

Set the Tone Inspire and Motivate Your Team in the New Year It s hard to believe that another year has gone by. It is now that time of year... Read More >

Seminar on physician office embezzlement

The Medical Group Management Association this month is conducting a webinar on physician office embezzlement. This -minute, multimedia presentation includes PowerPoint slides synchronized with full audio narration from industry experts... Read More >


From It s not too late to cut your tax bill. Prior to December st Increase your k and b contributions if you haven t been contributing at the... Read More >

How to Spot a Phish

How to Identify and Avoid Phishing Scams Essential Tips for Protection Every medical practice has someone surfing the web during the day. Therefore, it s important how to spot a... Read More >

Is health inflation set to resurge?

Is Health Inflation Set to Resurge? What Physicians Need to Know From Modern Healthcare s Daily Dose Employers healthcare costs may be heading for renewed inflation after three years... Read More >