Keeping good employees.

It s a FACT that the better performing physician offices are the ones that do the best at human resources. Keeping good employees is a must in a time when... Read More >

Looking for business plan templates?

Looking to create a business plan for your medical practice or healthcare entity? First, you should call your CPA for help. Second, check out these free templates on the internet... Read More >

NPI data to be available on Sept. 4

From the Medical Group Management Association The Centers for Medicare amp Medicaid Services CMS will make available to the public on Sept. National Provider Identifier NPI data that are... Read More >

Assess the practice market

Before evaluating existing managed care agreements or entering into new ones, be armed and ready with information about your practice. Gather a minimum of months of practice utilization data. Obtain... Read More >

Reward your physician leader

Medical groups of all sizes recognize the importance of of a physician-managerial role in their practice. Consider the following approaches to reward your physician leader Reduce clinical time demands, perhaps... Read More >