OIG email list

The Office of Inspector General s E-Mail list provides you with notification of additions to the OIG Internet site. Health care providers, attorneys, journalists, government staff and others can get... Read More >

Upcoming seminar on workplace harassment

Workplace harassment does happen, even in medical practices. From my experiences, the most common form of harassment is verbal harassment people yell, people scream you know the type. Workplace harassment... Read More >

A physician speaks

My good friend Frank Cohen recently received the following email from a friend of his who is a physician. It is really quite sad but reflects the state of... Read More >

HIPAA real life example

Patient suffers a shoulder injury while on the job-installing a glass windshield. Employees of this company are required by their employer to have a urinalysis everytime there is an injury... Read More >

Annual in-house physician office training

The following are the most common annual training programs in physician offices please compare them to your own in-house training OSHA Required HIPAA Required Sexual Harassment Customer Service CPT Coding... Read More >

Internet usage policy

If your practice doesn t already have one in place, here is an internet usage policy you might want to consider adding to your internal policy and procedures manual PRACTICE... Read More >

HCG staff salary survey now available

The Health Care Group has released its staff salary survey. The Staff Salary Survey provides nationwide salary statistics for key office positions. Organized by position, years of service, and locale,... Read More >

Summary of OIG Advisory Opinion 08-03

From the American Health Lawyers Association nbsp Summary of OIG Advisory Opinion - Issued January , , and posted February , Written by Ingrid Brydolf, Reviewed by Joseph M.... Read More >

Recognize the power of silence

Listening to what people say really saves time. Staffers and doctors who feel you don t pay attention to them will tune out the conversation at hand, making it difficult... Read More >


nbsp Medicaid requires that all written prescriptions for outpatient drugs be executed on tamper resistant paper by April , . A prescription is considered tamper resistant if it has one... Read More >

Physician incentive compensation idea

Many physician incentive compensation plans are based on RVUs. This is because one of the problems with a straight productivity incentive program is that there are some practice building activities... Read More >