Your perception of marketing

nbsp Many of my clients share with us that marketing is something of a dirty word to them. They feel that it is awkward and undignified to market healthcare services.... Read More >

A suggestion to save physician time

In many practices, physicians are interrupted throughout the day to respond to patient telephone inquiries. Fewer patients seen means less revenue. Productivity suffers whenever a physician takes time away from... Read More >

Make it a proactive referral strategy

nbsp From the The Healthcare Marketing Institute Newsletter info nbsp Many healthcare professionals confuse word of mouth with a proactive referral strategy. Word of mouth is a passive approach... Read More >

HIPAA compliance = privacy protected?

nbsp From David Harlow s healthcare blog A year ago, AHRQ found rampant confusion and mistakes among covered entities trying to comply with HIPAA. This month, HIMMS Analytics released... Read More >

Stark Changes Contained in Proposed IPPS Rule

nbsp By Davis W. Turner, Vanguard Health Systems, Nashville, TN dturner American Health Lawyers Association and the CMS posted the proposed FY Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System rule on... Read More >

HHS refining leniency for reporting fraud

HHS Inspector General Daniel Levinson issued a letter telling providers that his office is refining its protocol that offers leniency to those who voluntarily disclose that their organizations may have... Read More >

Evaluate partner potential

If you have successfully recruited a new physician to join the practice, you have an excellent opportunity to help him or her become a valuable long-term member of the group.... Read More >

Finding great employees

Here’s good post from Peter Lucash’s blog over at the AllBusiness medical practice business blog: Read More >