New Form for Misclassified Workers

nbsp The IRS has developed a new form for an employee who has been misclassified as Independent Contractors by an employer. Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wages, Form... Read More >

HIPAA is very serious business

I found this little item in yesterday s issue of Modern Healthcare s Daily Dose electronic newsletter . It just goes to show that HIPAA can have a strong... Read More >

OIG links you should know about

nbsp For the index of recent OIG Advisory Opinions, follow this link http fraud advisoryopinions opinions.html nbsp To see Frequently Asked Questions FAQs on the OIG Advisory Opinion process,... Read More >

Actual lease vs equipment lease

Many times a physician practice will lease a piece of equipment and immediately think it can deduct the lease payments as they are made to the lessor. Many physician practices... Read More >

Whiteboards and HIPAA

From HcPro s newsletter Briefings on HIPAA Q Is writing patient s full names on whiteboards permissible? Using only initials and or first names to identify patients is very confusing... Read More >

Quickbooks internal control feature

In quickbooks, make sure the audit trail button is turned on so you can see changes made to original transactions you can find this under company preferences . Quickbooks does... Read More >

HIPAA and collection agencies

nbsp Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule permit a covered entity or its collection agency to communicate with parties other than the patient e.g., spouses or guardians regarding payment of a... Read More >