Medical Economics 2008 Survey Results

nbsp Exclusive Survey Earnings Good news for primary care income. Primary care reimbursement rose substantially. Internists worked an average of hours per week and saw patients. Exclusive Survey Malpractice premiums... Read More >

Emphasize teamwork to motivate staff

Help staffers recognize how their work affects coworkers across departments. For instance, if you set a collection quota for the billing staff, reward receptionists, too. After all, accurate registration and... Read More >

HIPAA and big computer screens

Q. Do big screens mounted in an operating room OR or emergency room ER displaying patient data violate the HIPAA security rule regarding work-station use and security standards? So many... Read More >

Set up your retirement savings

Most people find it easier to max out their retirement contributions by budgeting a set amount each month. Instruct your employer to withhold , per month for your k or... Read More >

A simple Stark compensation example

nbsp Here is a question about physician compensation and Stark that I received recently related answers are in red I have an Internal Medical group physicians and one Nurse Practitioner... Read More >