Current Physician Recruiting Trends

The following comes from Jeffrey Sisk, President CEO of I have had the opportunity to talk with a large number of physician recruiters over the last few weeks about... Read More >

Red flag rule postponed again

nbsp As you have probably already heard, the FTC is delaying enforcement of the Red Flags Rule until November , to give small business es and other entities more time... Read More >

Working patient pay accounts

nbsp As a practice administrator, you should make a point every months or so to work patient balance accounts. This allows you a chance to speak personally with patients and... Read More >

Reminder: Support Your Auto Expenses

nbsp Auto expenses are a very common deduction for business owners and employees who must travel. Often the taxpayer does not know the exact amounts necessary to calculate the proper... Read More >

Be flexible with office hours

Except for tradition, there s little logic in physicians insisting on certain office hours. Even hospital rounds can be balanced between morning and afternoon to permit balanced office usage. What... Read More >

Educate patients on HIPAA rights

nbsp Reproduced from name of publication HCPro, Inc., Hoods Lane, Marblehead, MA . - . Used with permission. nbsp You can change your physician practice s stance regarding patient... Read More >

“Organization” providers and NPI

nbsp What types of business structures are considered organization health care providers and thus eligible for organization NPIs? What types are not? The final NPI rule defines organization health care... Read More >

Getting creative on the job

I found this great list of Simple, Low-Cost, Soulful Ways to Be More Creative on the Job and wanted to share it with you. Next time you re stuck, pick... Read More >

Summertime Tax Tips

The IRS will publish three tax tips per week this summer on topics ranging from how parents can get credit for sending their kids to day camp to avoiding identity... Read More >

CMS Releases RAC Phase-In Strategy

nbsp CMS released its strategy for phasing in the nationwide rollout of the RAC program last week, and RAC scrutiny of providers is set to begin immediately. According to CMS... Read More >

2010 CMS physician fee schedule

nbsp MGMA Government Affairs yesterday posted an alert regarding the CMS physician fee schedule. The alert includes the press release, which outlines some of CMS proposals to decrease payments in... Read More >

5 star customer service is a MUST

nbsp It s essential to keep your patients happy. Studies show that satisfied patients recover faster, stay with your practice longer, and give your practice a competitive advantage. On the... Read More >


The IRS has added new questions and answers explaining the COBRA continuation premium subsidy by employers for severed employees. The questions cover eligibility, form preparation, reporting and documentation, and taxability.... Read More >

Laundry list of merger issues

nbsp As predicted, more and more physician practices are exploring the merger option. Many have found a merger is a very viable strategic option for moving a practice in to... Read More >