Physician practice performance

nbsp It s the beginning of a new year and now is a perfect time to assess how well your physician medical practice performed financially in the prior year. Was... Read More >

Why Income May Drop if You Sell to Hospital

nbsp Recent reports from the MGMA Medical Group Management Association show that hospital- owned practices are less productive than those that are privately owned. Our experience as medical practice consultants... Read More >

OSHA and eye wash station checks

nbsp I have a physician client who is conducting weekly eye wash station checks. In a conference earlier this year attending by the office administrator, it was mentioned that medical... Read More >

Details on the Additional Medicare Tax

nbsp When does Additional Medicare Tax start? Additional Medicare Tax applies to wages and compensation above a threshold amount received after December , and to self-employment income above a threshold... Read More >

The “White Coat” Investor

nbsp I recently stumbled on a very nice financial advice website for healthcare professionals http . The website was started by Dr. Jim Dahle, a practicing, full-time, board-certified emergency... Read More >

Physician front desk ideas and procedures

Create self-pay policy Create materials to clearly communicate policy to patients Consider policies for special circumstances Make reminder call in advance of appointment Confirm demographics Scan insurance cards Collect co-pays... Read More >