Open Payments Data Update

On January , CMS updated the Open Payments dataset to reflect changes to the data that took place since the last publication in June . Use the Open Payments Search... Read More >

OIG’s Semiannual Report to Congress

The Office of Inspector General OIG of the Department of Health and Human Services has issued its Semiannual Report to Congress, which summarizes key program integrity efforts in fiscal year... Read More >

Are You Confused by Modifier 22?

Avoiding Modifier Abuse Guidelines for Healthcare Payers If you work for a healthcare payer and reimburse providers additional money for appending the modifier , you should be on the lookout... Read More >

Healthcare entity risk area

Business processes such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and financial statement close are a standard part of day-to-day operations for healthcare organizations and generally are well-controlled. However, when significant... Read More >

New 2019 QPP Resources on QPP.CMS.GOV

To help you prepare for the performance year of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System MIPS , CMS has posted the following new resources to the Quality Payment Program Resource Library.... Read More >

Required Minimum Distribution Reminder

Taxpayers born before generally must receive Required Minimum Distribution RMD payments from their Individual Retirement Arrangements IRAs and workplace retirement plans including Section k , b , and b plans... Read More >

A revised Medicare’s MLN Catalog

A revised MLN Catalog – December 2018 is available. Learn about free: Products and services that can be downloaded Web-based training courses; some offer continuing education credits Helpful links, tools, and tips Read More >