Healthcare entity risk area

Business processes such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and financial statement close are a standard part of day-to-day operations for healthcare organizations and generally are well-controlled. However, when significant... Read More >

New 2019 QPP Resources on QPP.CMS.GOV

To help you prepare for the performance year of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System MIPS , CMS has posted the following new resources to the Quality Payment Program Resource Library.... Read More >

Required Minimum Distribution Reminder

Taxpayers born before generally must receive Required Minimum Distribution RMD payments from their Individual Retirement Arrangements IRAs and workplace retirement plans including Section k , b , and b plans... Read More >

A revised Medicare’s MLN Catalog

A revised MLN Catalog – December 2018 is available. Learn about free: Products and services that can be downloaded Web-based training courses; some offer continuing education credits Helpful links, tools, and tips Read More >

CMS Provider Education Message

Last week CMS released a letter to clinicia Optimize your CMS provider education strategy with insights from Reed Tinsley, CPA. Enhance reimbursement, compliance, and practice efficiency. ns outlining how the... Read More >