Improve your physician office work environment

Your medical office is one of the most important practice tools at your disposal and you must exert control over it. Your office design either promotes or hinders your efficiency and productivity. It helps your patients feel either comfortable or disoriented. It simplifies or complicates your staffers' workday.

That's why it's important you look critically at your office's positive and negative features to determine if it serves you as well as it should.

Beware these 10 key symptoms:

  1. General confusion in your office layout
  2. Workstations piled high with papers and "stuff"
  3. Shabby appearance
  4. Standing room only during peak times
  5. Doctors waiting around without full exam rooms
  6. Bottlenecks in diagnostic areas
  7. Disruptive patient cross-traffic
  8. Doctors running late
  9. Long wait to schedule appointments
  10. Inability to alter schedules

Have questions? I’m here to help.