ICD-10 Is Less than 70 Days Away: Get Ready

After several years of unparalleled cooperation across the health care community, we are nearing the ICD-10 finish line. Less than 70 days remain until our nation makes the transition to ICD-10 for coding medical diagnoses and inpatient hospital procedures on October 1, 2015. CMS Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt recently sent a letter to all Medicare providers urging them to prepare for ICD-10.

There is still time to get ready. To jumpstart your efforts, begin with the Quick Start Guide. Providers can also go to the Road to 10 tool to create customized action plans. Links to Road to 10 and other resources are available at cms.gov/ICD10. CMS continues to work with industry groups to support their ICD-10 progress. Many of these organizations offer free and low-cost ICD-10 resources on their websites. Vendors, health plans, and hospitals are also good sources for ICD-10 information and training.

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