EHR Incentive Programs: Medicare EP Attestation Reminder and Other Updates


CMS has several updates related to the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs.

February 28 Deadline

Eligible professionals (EPs) who participated in the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program in 2012 must complete attestation for the 2012 program year by February 28, 2013. CMS has several resources located on the Educational Resources web page of the EHR Incentive Programs website to help you properly meet meaningful use and attest. Register and attest today.

Medicaid EPs should check with their State for their attestation deadline.

Electronic Reporting Pilot Deadline

If you selected the electronic reporting pilot option for your submission of clinical quality measures (CQMs) for the EHR Incentive Program (for the 2012 reporting year), you must submit 12 months of CQM data using a PQRS-qualified EHR system or data submission vendor. Failure to submit your CQMs electronically by 11:59pm ET on February 28 will result in your attestation being rejected for the 2012 program year. If you are unable to continue or determine that you no longer wish to participate in the electronic reporting pilot, you may opt out by:

1. Returning to your EHR Incentive Program registration
2. Changing your selection to “No” on the “e-Reporting” screen for CQMs
3. Entering your CQM data into the portal as part of your meaningful use attestation

Have questions? I’m here to help.