Creating the “dream” practice

Unlock Your Business Potential: Join The Entrepreneurial MD BizIdeas™ Teleseminar

Are you a physician who’s interested in starting a business or improving your medical practice, but hazy on the details, or lacking in good, sound ideas?

If you answered “yes”, then a new teleseminar program at The Entrepreneurial MD can help you.

Many physicians have a desire to go into business, or take their medical practice to a new level. The thought excites but also scares them, because they’re at a loss as to what their best business move is! How do they decide what business to start? How do they come up with the right idea for upgrading their practice?

There is a way to learn HOW to do this.

The new program, The Entrepreneurial MD BizIdeas (TM) Teleseminar, starts on April 26th 2007. In this focused 4-week long program, Dr. Philippa Kennealy will walk you step by step through the process that she use in her one-on-one coaching to help her clients become clear about
what business they would be willing to commit their resources (time, energy and money) to.

No more wishful thinking, no more second-guessing yourself, no more procrastination because of pie-in-the-sky ideas!

Instead, you will leave the course after 4 weeks, with a set of practical tools AND a method for examining your limiting assumptions and beliefs – all of which you can apply immediately …. and save for future use as well.

Each of the 4 teleclasses will be 75 minutes long, and will be recorded for your permanent future use. In addition, Dr. Kennealy will provide you with a downloadable work book to capture notes and exercises.

All of this for only $179! AND a money-back guarantee if, after two weeks of classes, you discover this course isn’t for you. In short, you’ve got nothing to lose.

Click here to read the details, get your questions answered, and enroll in the course.

Don’t wait too long to sign up, as the class size is strictly limited to 20, to protect your experience of learning and exploring.

If you are eager to discover discover the first step on the path to your dream business or practice idea, look into this course right away!  (

Have questions? I’m here to help.