Communicate effectively with referring physicians

When it comes to ensuring your referral sources last, spend time giving your referrers what they most want-timely and effective communication. When a new referrer enters your market, make contact. If possible, personally call or visit the physician and introduce yourself, as well as your personal or practice subspecialties. Your administrator or designated employee should also make contact with his or her peer at the referrer's office to discuss communication and referral particulars. Drop off information about your practice, your physicians, office hours, and driving directions to your practice.

Further, have your manager handle the specifics of how to make the referring office's job easier. That doctor may prefer reports delivered in a particular manner or may express specific concerns about scheduling patients in short turnaround. While you use this first meeting as a time to discuss the clinical side of patient referral, your manager can assess specific needs concerning patient scheduling, flow, and paperwork.

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