CMS Releases Value-Based Physician Payment Modifier Results

On Feb. 27, CMS posted results from the implementation of the first year of the Value-based Payment Modifier (Value Modifier). Established by the ACA, the Value Modifier rewards physicians and groups of physicians who provide high-quality and cost-effective care, while encouraging improvement for those who do not report quality measures or who don’t meet the mark. Based on their 2013 performance on quality and cost measures, nearly 7,000 physicians in 14 group practices across the country are receiving an increase in their Medicare payments in 2015. While groups that exceeded the program’s benchmarks in quality and cost efficiency receive an increase in physician payments under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, those who do not perform well or failed to meet quality reporting requirements are seeing a decrease to their Medicare payments in 2015. Most physician groups nationwide met the quality reporting requirements and their Medicare payments remain unchanged. Physician groups getting an upward 2015 Value Modifier adjustment had, on average, lower (better) hospital readmissions rates—14.3 per 100 admissions—than the corresponding benchmark of 16.4 per 100 admissions. These groups also had on average lower hospital admissions rates for acute and chronic ambulatory care sensitive conditions.

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