Choose the best type of advertising for your open position

The right type of advertising for an open position, especially for leadership roles, can effectively reach potential candidates. However, it can be expensive, depending on the publication in which you choose to post your position, and you may end up spending unnecessary time speaking with candidates who will not fit well with your practice. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the following three types of advertising:

Journal advertisements. Journal advertisements have become a popular sourcing avenue. Most medical specialties have specific associations that publish journals, which can be great places to advertise your available position. Although this can be effective, it may take as long as three months to receive responses. Be aware of the journal's deadline and make sure to send in the ad far enough in advance to get it printed in the next edition.

Local, state, and national professional societies. These venues have a much faster turnaround than do journals. Once you post your opportunity on one of the societies' Web sites, you will receive access to the job-finder portion of the site, and you can then contact respondents immediately. When placing an ad of this type, make sure to list all of the position's requirements. Doing so can unofficially screen unqualified candidates, which will save you time and money. Like a journal, this type of advertising is not always as targeted or focused as other methods can be, such as local and state newspapers.

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