Common Medicare Billing Errors

Jury duty

nbsp A client the other day asked for sample language to address jury duty in their human resource policy manual here is what I provided Jury service is considered to... Read More >

HIPAA acknowledgments

nbsp Reprinted with permission by HcPro. Please check out their premium monthly newsletter Briefings on HIPAA BOH . Do HIPAA acknowledgements need to be renewed by patients every year? No.... Read More >

OIG targeting incident-to billing

nbsp In the midst of healthcare reform debates and new HIPAA mandates, the Office of the Inspector General OIG has released a new study of incident to billing. This study... Read More >

Sept 2009 – RAC update

nbsp Connolly Healthcare, the Recovery Audit Contractor for Region C, has posted three new approved issues on its website. Two of these issues, Wheelchair Bundling and Urological Bundling, relate specifically... Read More >

Bereavement Leave

A client recently asked my advice on employee bereavement leave of absence. Here is one I usually recommend Employees who wish to take time off due to the death of... Read More >

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