Reminder – CMS confirms 4.6 percent SGR cut in 2007 unless Congress acts

Managing by the numbers – Part I

nbsp One of my prior articles cautioned readers on the use of overhead rates as a financial indicator of practice performance. I called it diddling the overhead since overhead is... Read More >

An Online Way to Order Medical Supplies

nbsp is an online source of medical, surgical and pharmaceutical supplies to office-based healthcare providers. Its Website is located at is a convenient resource that helps practice... Read More >

Want to be a better performing medical practice?

Better performing medical practices use the following techniques to increase profitability strategic and profit planning cost management evaluation of capital structure and investments evaluation of tax policy and management internal... Read More >

Improving front desk collections

nbsp Have an employee print the encounter forms in advance and contact the patient concerning their past due balances and the expectation of payment at check-in. When the patient checks... Read More >

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