After the initial analysis and determination of primary objectives, the next step is to review the existing written policies and procedures for that process. If such documentation doesn’t currently exist – in detailed form, then it will be necessary to review and document the flow of the clinical and business operations pertaining to the process under review. In other words, you will want to flowchart (or outline) each and every office process you want to analyze and improve.

After flowcharting, stand back and look at your current process. Make sure that each flowcharted area within the process has the rules, procedures, responsible parties, etc. detailed, in writing, in terms of what is required to properly complete that task. It may be found that, even if the office’s documentation does exist, it does not properly support the goals of most effectively and efficiently completing the specific tasks. You need to see that it does.

When all elements of the process have been substantially documented in writing, management’s responsibility is then to ratify how the processes work, fine tune the policies and procedures, look for inefficiencies that exist, and to look for duplication of personnel that may come to light during a review of all of the processes and procedures. Obviously one result of such a project could be a complete overhaul of certain specific or all of the practices processes and procedures.

NOW is the time to look at each and every process in your office. You can Increase revenues by simply removing internal inefficiencies. With the continued changes in the marketplace and the continued pressures on your bottom line (can you say “reimbursement”?), there is no time like the present to give your practice a checkup on some of its fundamental processes.

Have questions? I’m here to help.

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