Attract (and keep) quality staff with flexible hours

It's all well and good to recognize that many patients' lifestyles have shifted away from the traditional 9-to-5, Monday-to-Friday work week. But consider, too, how your own staffing may benefit from the movement toward more flexible work schedules. The labor pool is increasingly made up of people who no longer want to fit the traditional pattern. Some of these people are trying to work around their school's schedules; others are juggling several jobs. Still others prefer-and can afford-to work only part-time. They are often highly conscientious, motivated, and skilled people.

Non-traditional-"flexible"-work arrangements can fit your office's needs even if you maintain normal patterns. But especially if you contemplate adding early and/or late patient visits, even if only a few days a week, consider offering part-time work, job-sharing, flex-time, and/or temporary help to attract excellent people who will be more than willing to adjust to "odd" hours.

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